Though outposted well outside the centre, if you know your hops you'll be happy to make the trip to this riverside brewpub, aptly positioned near Warszawski Bridge. Their mezzanine-level bar puts you directly over the action taking place in the ground floor production plant; work your way through their ten taps, munch on beer snacks, or tuck into a burger, barbecue sandwich or steak.

Though you'll find their popular Salamander and WRCLW beer brands all around town, here you can see exactly how they're produced during their weekend brewery tours, which naturally conclude with a tasting session (English-language tours must be arranged in advance). There's also a bakery and concept shop on-site so you can stock your hotel mini-fridge with craft goodness, as well as pick up pastries, pretzels and other products they make on-site. Worth the trip, to get there catch tram 6 or 11, getting off at 'Most Warszawski' (journey time 25-30mins); or just pony up for the cab/Uber fare.