
Archdiocese Museum

  ul. Dziekania 1 ,   Old Town          (+48) 22 621 34 14     27 May 2024
The Archdiocese museum, opened in 1938, is located right next to St. John's Cathedral in Warsaw's Old Town; go down the side street (ul. Dziekania) to find the entrance. Although during the Second World War most of the museum's pieces were stolen, later recovered and added to the National Museum, today's exhibits showcase more than 20,000 items, from the Middle Ages up to today, and is surprising for its wealth of secular art. Split into two sections - the Sacred (in the basement) and the Profane (on the ground floor), the former includes old monstrances, chalices and liturgical vestments, as well as paintings and sculptures presenting scenes from the life of Jesus, Mary and the saints, plus personal items once belonging to blessed Stefan Wyszyński - Primate of Poland. The latter includes lots of furniture and clocks, plus sculpture and paintings, including works by famous artists such as Malczewski, Hofman and even 27 canvases by dystopian surrealist painter Zdzisław Beksiński from the Paris collection of Anna and Piotr Dmochowski. One of the highlights of the museum is to enter the 'Royal Corridor' (also known as the 'Piekarski Corridor') that formerly connected the Royal Castle with the Cathedral, and was built to ensure King Sigismund III Vasa's safe passage between the two following a failed assassination attempt by Michał Piekarski in 1620.

Average visiting time: 1hr.


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Ratusz Arsenał


Open 12:00-18:00. Sat, Sun 12:00-16:00, Closed Mon.
CATHEDRAL CRYPTS Monday- Saturday: 10:00-17:00 Sunday: 15.00-17.00

Price/Additional Info

Admission 30/22zł.


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