
Indigo SPA - Erotic Massage Parlor

Monsieur is a French word meaning Mister.
In the past, the etymology of this word gave sense to a title of the Royal House representatives. Currently, it is a best word to describe the conception of our massage parlor. Each and every client will feel in our parlor as if in a dream without willing to wake up. The interior of this parlor breathes comfort and subtle elegance – it leaves no doubt that it is a place where our clients feel as being in a greatly desired oasis of peace.

Klaipėdos str. 2, Vilnius, Lithuania 
Ligoninės str. 2, Vilnius, Lithuania 
Pilies str. 38, Vilnius, Lithuania 

Tel:. (+370) 642 222 00. 




Open 11:00 – 23:00.


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