Built in 1555, two years after the first German-speaking Lutheran community arrived in Vilnius, the crowning glory of this small Gothic and Baroque church is the gorgeous Rococo altar, dating from 1741 and the work of Johann Christoph Glaubitz (Jonas Kristupas Glaubicas, c.1700-67). Serving as a workshop and a basketball court during the Soviet occupation, it was returned to its congregation in 1991 and has since become the predominant house of worship for the capital’s multi-denomination, English-speaking Christians.
Evangelical Lutheran Church

City centre location
Nic Parham
There is not much to see of the church from outside - as it is tucked away from the main street, but is definitely worth a visit as the inside is impressive. The English language service is now at 9.30 a.m. every Sunday not 9.45 as stated above! There is a website with details of the English language services held here by the International Church of Vilnius at www.vilniuschurch.org