Basic travel data
more than a year ago27,4% of people living in Vienna are foreign nationals, over 140,000 of them originating from the former Yugoslavia, 45,000 from Turkey and 42,000 from Germany.
Area: Austria: 83,872 km2; Vienna: 414,90 km2
Official languages: German. Slovene, Croatian and Hungarian are officially recognised.
Local time: Central European (GMT+1hr)
Longest river: Danube (357,5 km in Austria)
Highest mountain: Austria: Großglockner 3,798m; Vienna: Hermannskogel 542m
Borders: Austria borders Germany and the Czech Republic to the north, Slovakia and Hungary to the east, Slovenia and Italy to the south, and Switzerland and Liechtenstein to the west.
Religion: Roman Catholic 49,2%; no religion 25,6%; Muslim 7,8%; Orthodox 6%; Protestant (mostly Lutheran) 4,7%; Jewish 0,5%.