If you have arrived in this village on one of the Sundays in which ceremonies are held, you will have the chance to experience when you will see how only a few rows are occupied by parishioners and how they listen to the preaching of the Lutheran evangelical priest in the German language, a moment that is followed by the service in Romanian. The church sounds like a box of resonance when the sounds of the organs and the voice of the parishioners begin to be heard.
The massive fortified church stands out from a distance through the two large towers that rise, respectively the bell tower and the church choir, both preserved in good condition. The top of the bell tower can be reached through a third smaller tower, inside of which there is a spiral staircase followed by other wooden stairs that lead to the mechanism of the clock, and finally to the bells.
Surrounded by a 6-7m high wall, which has four towers in the four cardinal points, the church has a Gothic and Renaissance wooden side, and its altar is the work of the sculptor Stephan Folberth from Sighisoara.