
Leaning Tower of Toruń

  ul. Pod Krzywą Wieżą 1      (+48) 696 377 258     23 Sep 2024

Don't expect to find any pizza here, for you will not find a crude Italian rip-off of that place in Italy!

The Leaning Tower of Toruń - A fantastically-odd sight on the city's old defensive walls!
Krzywa Wieża (ENG: The Leaning Tower) was built in the 13th century as part of the city's defensive network. The structure's tilt (a vertical deviation of about 1.5m) is attributed to the fact that it was build on clay-based terrain, and has therefore partially sunk one side.
The Leaning Tower of Toruń and it's 1.5m vertical deviation!
However, there are of course a number of legends connected to the tower. The most popular one is a tale about a sinful Teutonic Knight. This man fell in love with the daughter of a rich local merchant, and met her in secret, thus breaking the monastic rule of the Order. The residents of the town discovered this and reported them to the commander and the city authorities. Both lovers were fined, the woman was sentenced to 25 lashes, and the knight was ordered to build a tower. However, the tower had to be tilted, in the same way as his conduct had deviated from the monastic rule. For this reason, those who cannot stand unsupported against the tower wall (these days, 3 seconds is long enough) are considered to be sinful as well! Tough crowd!!!

After it ceased to play a defensive role on the walls of Toruń, it served as a prison, and later as a smithy. Now it functions as a small museum, as well as a café. A must-visit for any visitor in Toruń!


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Open 12:00-18:00.

Price/Additional Info

Admission 20/10zł.


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