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Population: 460,642 (as of 01.02.2023)
Density: 2,795.99 inhabitants/km2
Ethnic composition: Estonians 53.2%, Russians 38.1%, Ukrainians 3.4%, others 5.3%

Population: 1,357,739 (as of 01.01.2023)
Territory: 45,339km2
Density: 30 inhabitants/km2
Ethnic composition: Estonians 68.7%, Russians 24.8%, Ukrainians 1.7%, others 4.8%
Elevation: The highest point in Estonia (and the Baltics) is Suur Munamägi (318m) in Võru County
Islands: 1,521. The three largest are Saaremaa 2,673km2, Hiiumaa 1,023km2, and Muhu 206km2
Lakes: Lake Peipsi, on the Russian border, covers an area of 3,555km2, of which 1,529km2 is in Estonia. It also holds the title as the 4th largest lake in Europe.
Rivers: Estonia’s longest rivers are the Võhandu 162km, Pärnu 144km and Põltsamaa 135km.
Populations of other cities: Tartu 97,435, Narva 53,626, Pärnu 51,857.
Local time: Estonia is in the Eastern European Time Zone (GMT+2hrs). Summer time (GMT+3hrs) is in effect from the last Sunday of March until the last Sunday of October.

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