Yatta Sushi in Sopot is a unique place on the gastronomic map of Tri-City. For starters, it's one of the few Japanese restaurants in Sopot, which means competition isn't so stiff. Nevertheless, compared to other high-rollers with the same culinary speciality, Yatta has already proven itself as one of the best in the area. Your dining experience begins within the restaurant's atmospheric and modern interior. It's a combination of hi-end design, based on authentic rock formations, impressive raw materials and exclusive fabrics and elements, while at the same time possessing an extroverted, open character. This welcoming combination sets the scene for the meal to come! Sushi is, of course, the cornerstone of what's on offer here. In addition, you'll also find a wealth of soups, appetizers, various tartares, fish, chicken and udon noodles. There's the possibility of hiring their sushi master for events as well, in addition to sushi training workshops, which can earn you a one-of-a-kind Yatta Sushi certificate!