You won’t struggle to find somewhere to celebrate New Year’s Eve in the Italian capital. Quite the opposite in fact, as anyone looking to avoid it will be in for a tough evening. Saying that, why go somewhere on NYE if you’re trying to avoid it? Weird decision that. Rome turns into one big street party on December 31, as the action that the rest of Europe keeps contained to its bars spills out onto the streets and sidewalks. Pointing out specific locations is an exercise in futility — walk out the door of your accommodation and follow the sound.

Looking for NYE fireworks in Rome? Well, you’re in luck. The big blossoming bangers are centred over Via dei Fori Imperiali, the famous street that runs through the heart of the city, as well as the Circus Maximus and the Piazza del Popolo. All the fireworks combine for a quite dazzling night sky display, but these city centre locations aren’t the best spots for gazing. Head up to the hills for the best view, although don’t forget your wind jacket and do expect plenty of company.
Hold on, you’re in Rome, why are we talking about fireworks? You’re going to be eating yourself into a coma, right? Of course, and the famous restaurants of Rome certainly hold up their end of the bargain. Practically any eatery worth its salt will have a special new year menu on offer, but be prepared to make reservations months ahead of time. This is Rome, what do you expect?
Reserving that special NYE meal in Rome is a magical experience (well, the meal is magical, not so much the actual process of reserving your table), but there’s something about the organised nature of it that seems to go against the soul of Rome. We’re in favour of turning up and letting your feet do the rest, moving from street party to street party as the fireworks light the night sky above. Felice Anno Nuovo!