When in Rome...
more than a year agoRomans know that life is a moment to live in the now and they make sure to make it as pleasant as they can, with tasty food, delicious wine and good company. They are known for their spontaneity and good manners; warm personal relationships; and their simple, relaxed way of life. Although they lead a modern lifestyle, they celebrate their old cultural traditions, as well.
Generally speaking, Romans are helpful, considerate, courteous, generous, spontaneous, friendly, funny and relaxed. They are among the most generous, convivial and hospitable people in the world. They even go out of their way to be helpful, but not everybody speaks English. They are super expressive and use hand gestures to communicate on a non-verbal level, enliven conversations, and strengthen their point. You can understand a conversation that is out of hearing range just from watching somebody’s hand gestures, so don’t worry if they don’t speak English, and let your hands do the talking.
Whether they greet you with two kisses, or whack you in the face with a particularly expressive hand gesture immediately after meeting you, Romans are not afraid to get up close and personal. They are very affectionate people and do not have trouble bursting your personal space bubble to say hello. If you are a woman, expect to be on the receiving end of their flirtatious expressions 'ciao bella', 'principessa' or 'bellissima' when you are out. It may seem embarrassing to anybody from a more reserved country, but you shouldn’t pay too much attention to it. They are quick to break into dance or song when the mood strikes them.
So, when a good song comes on, get on the floor and dance, just like them. Romans are stylish people, who like to dress well. So, when in Rome, show off your new dress and your elegant shoes and blend in with the locals.