In order to improve Croatia’s trade competitiveness when it comes to the international transport chain for both freight and passengers operations, the Rijeka Gateway Project which has seen major improvements to port and road connections opened in 2009 a new Passenger Terminal in the very heart of the city. In accordance to tradition, Rijeka is known as the central and major sea port in Croatia and has the intention of becoming the dominant traffic route throughout the entire region, connecting seaways with European road and railway corridors. The terminal is equipped with all the necessary facilities to suit passenger requirements including the sale of passenger tickets, a tourist’s information point, accommodation reservations, restaurants, coffee bars, and travel and rent-a-car agencies. It is envisaged that Rijeka will soon become an integral port and starting point for future cruise travels within the Adriatic and Mediterranean Sea’s, with a deep and thorough understanding of safety as well as environmental awareness.
Passanger terminal - Port of Rijeka Authorities
Rijeka Port Authority Archives
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