The healing waters of the Blue Lagoon are known to heal various health issues, including skin conditions such as psoriasis and seborrhea. That's why you will find a top-rated skin clinic near the area, as well as numerous local skin products made of algae, silica, and volcanic salt.
Entering the Blue Lagoon is paid - you can drive around the area for free, but you won't be able to see or use the lagoon unless you've paid for an entry ticket. Visitors need to book their entry tickets in advance, but once they are in, they can stay as long as they would like to, even if that means the entire day. Most of the guests take a one or two-hour bath in the warm mineral waters, then head to some of the homey food-supplying facilities around, such as the Blue Cafe or Lava restaurant.
Blue Lagoon is less than an hour away from Reykjavik and is reachable by car or a bus. Once you get there, don't forget that you'll have to remove your makeup, shower in advance and probably cover your hair, since the minerals can make it dry and stiff.
