The statues were erected mostly between 1683 and 1714, the most prominent sculptors of the day took part – including Matthais Braun and Ferdinand Maxmilian. Unfortunately, the statues you see today aren’t the originals. Back in the 1960’s they were taken down and replaced – the originals now live out their retirement at the National Museum. Following is a list of the statues in order if you are travelling from the Old Town side to Malá Strana.

St. Ivo – the patron saint of lawyers
Sts. Barbara, Margaret and Elizabeth
Statue of the lamenting of Christ
St. Joseph – the original was destroyed by cannon fire during the 1848 revolution.
St. Francis Xavier
St. Christopher
St. Francis Borgia
St. Ludmila – St. Wenceslas’ grandmother
St. Francis of Assisi
Sts. Vincent Ferrer and Procopius
St. Nicholas of Tolentino
St. Luthgard
St. Adalbert
Sts. John of Matha, Felix of Valois and Ivan
St. Wenceslas
Statues on the north side:
Madonna and St. Bernard
Madonna and Sts Dominic and Thomas Aquinas The Crucifix and Calvary
St. Anne
Sts. Cyril and Methodius
St. John the Baptist
Sts. Norbert of Xanten, Wenscelas and Sigismund
St. John of Nepomuk – Thrown from the bridge to his death; it is now considered good luck to touch his statue
St. Anthony of Padua
St. Jude Thaddeus
St. Augustine
St. Cajetan
St. Philip Benitius
St. Vitus
St. Salvator with Cosmas and Damian