
Yoga on the grass

Jul 2 - Sep 30 2019       ul. Półwiejska 42
Starting in June, every Tuesday at 6 pm anyone can enjoy outdoor yoga classes taught by the Magiel Fitness instructors in Stary Browar Park. Bring your own mat and comfy clothes and practice asanas with many other yoga lovers. Yoga is truly for everyone - beginners and advanced practitioners. The leitmotif of this year's yoga extravaganza is "Honey Summer" - we are hoping to help you expand your knowledge about bees. But above all, we hope you will relax doing yoga and later on enjoy the outdoor film repertoire we have prepared for you in July. Welcome to Stary Browar Summer!



Jul 2 2019 - Sep 30 2019
Stary Browar
ul. Półwiejska 42

Price/Additional Info

Admission free


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