

  ul. Poznańska 1 ,   Jeżyce          (+48) 731 09 73 58     more than a year ago
This hole-in-the-wall might be tiny, awkwardly furnished, and somewhat rudimentary, but boy, is the ramen good. After the success of Yetztu on ul. Krysiewicza, it looked like Poznań didn't need any more ramen joints, and yet these boys came along and knocked the ball out of the park again. The menu consists of meaty and vegan ramen variations, including shoyu, shio, tonkotsu, kimchi, and mazamen, plus snacks like gyoza dumplings - the cooks know their stuff and food arrives super fast. While not exactly the place for an extended sit-down, this is one of our favourite spots for a quick bite of something good.

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Dogs Allowed


Open 12:00-21:00.

Price/Additional Info

€ € € € €


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