Crossing the charming Jordan Bridge from Ostrów Tumski technically puts you in Ostrówek - or it once did; for over 350 years this was considered the smallest city in Poland. Created around 1444 by King Wladyslaw of Varna, Ostrówek was wedged between Ostrów Tumski and neighbouring Śródka, and its miniscule population wavered between 100 and 200 residents over time until it was finally incorporated into the city of Poznań and became part of the greater Śródka district in 1800. Despite Ostrówek’s place in Polish history, the area fell into despair during the PRL era. Fortunately, visitors walking through the old city today will see that revitalisation is in progress. Walk down Ostrówek Street towards Rynek Śródecki, the heart of Śródka, and you’ll spot storefronts and buildings that are on the mend after years of neglect. Take note of the historic tenements (numbers 6, 7, 10/11,15, 17/18) which all date from the beginning of the 20th century (number 12 is the oldest at 1884). There's also a tantalising 'musical mural' above the beer garden at Ostówek 17; designed to create a symphony when it rains, surprisingly no one seems to have ever heard it. Does it work? Did it ever? Let us know.