Enigma Cipher Centre
Targeted more towards visitors with a keen interest in math and puzzles, the centre is filled with stations where they can try their hand at encoding and decoding messages using various ciphers, from slide rules to the hybrid Polybius Playfair cipher to one-time pads. If that’s not your cup of tea, no matter - the nicely prepared audioguide will lead you through the exhibits with minimal interruptions. Allow at least two hours if you want to listen through its entirety and check out some additional info on touchscreens. The exhibition finishes with a small section on the post-war IT revolution, which includes two Commodore 64 emulators with a selection of classic video games, which you can play to your heart’s content. Geeks unite!
Average visiting time: 2hrs.
Facilities for disabled
Open 09:00-18:00. Sat, Sun 10:00–19:00, Closed Mon.