Imagine peering down on the Olympic Stadium from 50 metres, weighed down by a thick belt between the legs and hooked up by a cable and pulley. It feels more like doing a bungee jump than a roof climb. Sandwiched between a guide at the front and another at the rear, you make your way along the ramp high over the 30-year old stadium. Although there’s no risk of falling off (you’re firmly hooked), an ascent like this begs the inevitable question. Actually, no one fell during construction, but a worker lost his footing on the plexiglas roof prompting the creation of this accident-proof walkway, which groups have been scaling since. The ninety-minute climb includes information on the history, technology and architecture of the €650 million roof and endows sweeping views of Munich. On a clear day, you can spot the Alps on the horizon. The young tour guides are impressivley friendly, helpful and humorous. And you don’t need a command of technical German to enjoy the experience - there’s always at least one English-speaking guide. Daily 14:30.
Price/Additional Info
Two-hour tour €20/18.
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