You’ll have to pay a toll for using the Brest–Minsk highway and some other major roads unless your vehicle is registered within the Customs Union (Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan). When using a recently introduced BelToll system, drivers are expected to pay the following amounts: €0.04 per km for motor vehicles weighing less than 3.5 tons and €0.08 per km for motor vehicles weighing over 3.5 tons. Do not forget to register with the BelToll system and get an electronic on-board unit – in advance! It can be done either at BelToll Customer Service Points or via the BelToll website Registration is free of charge; however, in addition to the mileage fee, a deposit is required to get the on-board unit, depending on the vehicle weight: €20 for vehicles under 3.5 tons and €50 for vehicles (heavy vehicles, buses) over 3.5 tons. Amounts are to be paid in BYR at the exchange rate of the National Bank on the day of payment. When you no longer need the on-board unit, give it back at any BelToll Customer Service Point in exchange for your deposit; make sure the device has escaped any damage!
BelToll Border Distribution Points (check their location at as well as Customer Service Points found in regional centers and at petrol stations along the toll roads provide information about the BelToll system, account related services (including account registration and signing of contracts, termination of Customer Contract and on-board unit return
handling, etc.)
In the event of a breakdown trouble, call tel. 116.