

Switzerland has four official languages: German (spoken by 64%), French (20%), Italian (6.5%) and Romansh (0.5%). Lucerne lies in the German speaking part of the country, where people speak a German dialect, so-called Swiss German or Schwyzerdütsch. Be it among friends, at work or when dealing with the authorities, people speak dialect. However, Swiss people use standard German, so-called Hochdeutsch, when writing and speaking at school. A lot of Swiss speak English fairly well, especially the younger generation. So generally getting by in English is no problem.

Language smarts

Here are a few German phrases and some typical Swiss German words - it will be always appreciated if you use a few Swiss words. The 'r‘ in Swiss German is rolled, the ‘ch’ is pronounced like in the Scottish loch. Mind your throat.

Swiss German
Grüezi  (groo-e-tsi)  Hello (formal)
Adieu  (as in French)  Goodbye (formal)
Merci  (mersi) or Danke  Thank you

Entschuldigung!  Sorry!
Exgüsi   (ex-gewsi)  Excuse me!
D‘Schwyz  (chviiits)  Switzerland
Zum Wohl!  (tsoom vol)  Cheers!
Lozärn  (Lo-tsaern)  Lucerne


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