

  ul. Lubartowska 7      (+48) 66 700 00 12     05 Jun 2024

This cafe and sweets shop produces delicious, small-batch pastries, cakes, ice cream and other desserts 'just like grandma used to do,' but in a modern, contemporary interior. 

Anabilis in Lublin.
Anabilis takes the mantra 'like Grandma used to do' to heart, making cakes, pies, pastries and ice cream that taste homemade. Delightfully displayed behind the long glass counter, the sweets and desserts never taste exactly the same way twice - be it the thickness of the layers, the crunchiness of the bottom or the different seasonal fruits used - giving their baked goods a truly authentic, natural and unique flavour. The modern interior is offset by lots of flowers and accessories, making it cosy and intimate.

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Open 09:00-22:00. Fri, Sat 09:00-23:00.


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