Tell our readers a little bit about yourself and how you came to be a curator at the City Museum.
I was born in Ljubljana and live here with my two daughters and a dog. I like to think of myself as fond of nature, hikes and books, but my daughters tell me I am just restless and awful with modern technology ;) And how I became a Curator at the City Museum? Well, after I finished my studies, I applied for a job and got lucky:)
What age were you when you started to take an interest in history, particularly Classical Antiquity?
In my teenage years I became very interested in history and anthopology; I read a lot about these subjects. My interest in Classical Antiquity came later, in my student years.
What are visitors to Emona most surprised to learn?
Ljubljanans are often very surprised to see remains of Emona they haven't noticed or heard about before, and say »But I have been walking near these remains all my life, and never knew they are here!«. As for the foreigners, they are often surprised that Roman remains of Ljubljana are not heavily marketed tourist product.
Do you have a particular favourite artifact from the Museum’s collection?
I have a penchant for all things strange and unusual :) Therefore, my favourite artfacts are weird good luck charms and face-shaped vessels.

The City Museum has hosted many temporary exhibitions, which have been some of the most popular or memorable?
From my point of view, definitely those Roman-themed J such as »Emona: a city of the Empire« or »Emona: myth and reality«
If you could time-travel (past or future), where would you go, and why?
I would not move at all – the humankind has never lived such good, safe, pain-and hunger free, long lives as we Westerners do now. Selfishly unaware, and at the expense of others and the environment, I'm afraid.
Which historical figure would you most like to meet?
Hmm…Cleopatra would be interesting to talk with, I suppose :)
Outside of Slovenia, which museum would you most like to visit?
The Grand Egiptian Museum in Cairo; i think it is still being built, but it should open in 2021
What are some of your favourite places to visit in Ljubljana and also further afield in Slovenia?
Besides Emonan remains? Castle Hill and the historic centre; nearby Polhov gradec Hills, especially Mount St. Lawrence. I often go to Prekmurje and Primorska region, however I think all Slovenia is beautiful and wish I knew it better
How do you spend your free time?
On short and long trips, and slowly sipping a strong coffee :