For a few years now, the Roman Trail of Ljubljana has been active and marked with signs in the Slovenian capital. No guides needed, just time (around 60 minutes). Once you get your ticket at the City Museum of Ljubljana (€ 4,00 / 2,50), you also receive a map (yes, one of those old-fashioned printed maps that will make you look like a tourist in your own city) or a printed guidebook for families. You won’t believe this, but they translated these maps into as many as 6 different languages. What an opportunity to learn how to say.... .... in Spanish, French, German, or Italian, alongside English.

The trail is 2 km long and since it is a loop, you are free to begin at whichever point. We do, however, recommend to start in the basement of the City Museum of Ljubljana, where parts of the former Roman road and pottery from a roadside inn were discovered.

OK, so Emona was a Roman colony about the size of 180 Olympic pools. It had everything that a colony needed: mighty walls with military troops, a sewage system (rats included), heated houses, some even with bathrooms, a public toilet with comfortably warm seats, colourful mosaics that contrasted the just as colourful wall paintings, God-fearing citizens, stray dogs and, as has the standard been lately, a type of an epidemic (plagues and whatnot). We also have a pretty good idea how everyday life went in Emona. Anyone interested in Emona’s heritage should also visit the permanent exhibition at the City Museum.

So, if you live and/or work in Ljubljana and you like to surprise yourself from time to time, then the Roman Trail of Ljubljana is the right choice for an hour-long summer escape. We recommend this stroll to all loners, couples, families, other (interest of thematic) groups, and dog walkers. The circular archaeological trail, which connects all the most important remains of Emona within Ljubljana’s city centre, is at your disposal until the end of October, from Tuesday to Sunday, between 10.00 am and 6.00 pm. After this date, both archaeological parks will close for the winter.
