Festive December in Ljubljana
Ljubljana's month-long holiday celebrations officially get underway when the lights covering most of the old town (and Castle Hill) are switched on for the first time. The event is dedicated to the memory of two Slovene authors: the great France Prešeren and the humorist Fran Milčinski-Ježek. The former was born on 3 December 1800, while the latter penned a poem called 'Ljudje, prižgimo luč' or 'People, let's turn on the light' in English.

Nativity Scene on Gallus Embankment - until 5 January
The straw nativity scene standing on the Gallus embankment is a unique handiwork of amateur artist Anton Kravanje. The special feature of the nativity set is that all the figures are life-size.
Nativity Scene at Ljubljana Castle - until 2 February
The nativity scene in the Castle Chapel is the work of the author Mir Rismondo, better known for making ice sculptures.
Nicholas Fair until 6 December
The festively decorated stands will sell various gifts, suitable for traditional Christmas gift giving.Until 5 January - Holiday Fairs at various locations
Feel the magical pulse of festive Ljubljana at the festive fairs in the old town.Castle Holiday Fair at Ljubljana Castle - until 6 January
In December, the Ljubljana Castle will host a festive fair in the courtyard.
Nicholas Procession - 5 December 17:00-18:30
Nicholas will be accompanied by hooves, devils and a choir of little angels, who will hand out cakes, fruit and candies to the children.
Magical Forest 3 - 23 December at Kongresni trg
The Magic Forest is a series of creative workshops where children can explore science, make musical instruments and paint.On Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, their time at the workshops will be even more engaging as it will be accompanied by performing arts, dance, movement, theatrical and circus performances as well as singing.
Organ-Grinders in the Old Town Centre 16 - 26 December
In the streets of Ljubljana, organ grinders dressed in historical clothing will be conjuring up an atmosphere of times long gone. The barrel organ, commonly known as a simple instrument used by 19th century buskers travelling from village to village, cannot be played as automatically as it may seem and is much more interesting than it appears at first sight.
Children's Choirs in the Old Town 16 - 19 December
Children's choirs will contribute to the festive atmosphere in the old part of the city with short performances.Santa's Cabin 21-31 December at Kongresni trg
Between December 21 and 30, a festively decorated Santa Claus's hut will stand on Congress Square, which children can visit every day between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. (except December 24), when the elves will provide entertainment. From December 26 to 30, from 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., Santa Claus will be waiting for them in the cottage to take pictures with him and give him their last New Year's wishes.

Escorts of Santa Claus 26 - 30 December
In the last days of this year, Santa Claus, accompanied by the Ice Queen, will come to Ljubljana from below Triglav in his carriage with Lipizzaners.
Ana Mraz Street Performers 26 - 30 December at Gornji trg
Young and old alike will be able to enjoy performances by street theatre troupes, circus performers and other artistes.At Gornji trg Square, the Ana Mraz festival will host street theatre, circus, storytelling, dancing and puppet shows.

Concerts at Kongresni trg - 26 - 30 December
In the days leading up to New Year’s Eve, Kongresni trg Square will feature concerts given by various popular music artists and bands. Click here to see the full list of performers.
Concert at French Revolution Square - 30 December
As part of the holiday concert programme in Trg francoske revolucije square, Ljubljana will be hosting alternative and rock music performers. This year’s performers are Lim Smrad + Žila, Backstage, Alo!Stari
Concerts on Pogačarjev trg until 31 December
Slovenian musicians of popular and folk music will perform on the music stage in Pogačarjev trg.
Children’s New Year’s Eve Celebration at Kongresni trg 16:00-18:00
In order to create a magical and unforgettable New Year's Eve experience for children, the celebration will feature popular festive characters, children's performances, and the arrival of Grandpa Frost.
New Year's Eve Celebrations 21:00-02:00
City square, Kongresni tg, Trg francoske revolucije, Pogačarjev trgThe New Year's Eve schedule in the centre of Ljubljana will be diverse enough to be suitable for people of all tastes and ages.
Ljubljana's Old Town
Join thousands of other revellers and ring in the new year in one of Ljubljana's old town squares. Make sure to get a good view of the castle, because one minute after midnight that's where the fireworks display will be launched from, lighting up the entire sky over the Slovene capital and bringing an end to the December festivities. Remember to dress warm and drive safe! Click here to see the full programme.