

Friday Feb 21 20:00    
The unconventional Austrian pop group 5K HD, “one of the more astounding acts of the festival” (Radio Študent), are returning to Ljubljana after their MENT Ljubljana 2018 show, led by familiar face Mira Lu Kovacs to present their heavily anticipated follow-up to their debut album And To In A, titled High Performer.
Just a few weeks after she’ll again visit us as part of the MENT Ljubljana festival with her new supergroupMy Ugly Clementine, musician Mira Lu Kovacs, she of the fragile voice and steely core, will again be in these parts, this time with her original supergroup 5K HD. In the band, the singer of the acclaimed groupSchmieds Puls, also one of MENT’s alumni, joined forces with jazzers Kompost 3, with their resulting joint debut And To In Arocketing 5K HD straight to the forefront of the Austrian music scene.

Text used courtesy of www.kinosiska.com.


Feb 21 2020 20:00

Price/Additional Info

€10 pre-sale, €12 walk-up, €8 discounted



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