Zofia Rydet. The World of Feelings & Imagination
Open 10:00-18:00. Tue, Sat, Sun 11:00-19:00, Closed Mon.
ul. Rakowicka 22A
Rydet's surreal collages , which are often composed of fragments of her own photographs, address deeply humanistic themes. According to the artist herself, the series is “about humans threatened from the moment of birth, about their feelings and desires, about loneliness, fear that only love can save them from, and about the dread of extermination and the tragedy of time passing.”
The exhibition features around 100 works grouped by Rydet into 15 thematic sections. These cover both universal human experiences – such as 'Birth,' 'Motherhood,' and 'Transformations' – and the shared histories of Rydet’s own generation. In 'The World of Feelings & Imagination,' more intensely than in any of her other work, one feels the echoes of the war and destruction, resonating even with today’s geopolitical realities.
Open 10:00-18:00. Tue, Sat, Sun 11:00-19:00, Closed Mon.
- May
Museum of Photography in Krakow – MuFo Rakowicka
ul. Rakowicka 22A
ul. Rakowicka 22A
Price/Additional Info
10-15 złTickets
mufo.krakow.pl/odwiedzaj/wystawy/zofia-rydet-swiat-uczuc-i-wyobrazni www.facebook.com/MuzeumFotografiiWKrakowieAssociated Venues
A portmanteau of Muzeum Fotografii (ENG: Museum of Photography), Kraków's MuFo is the only museum institution in Poland devoted entirely to the photographic …