Wianki in Kraków
Saturday Jun 22 - Sunday Jun 23
Wisła Boulevards beneath Wawel
The tradition of Wianki in Poland actually has Slavic roots, the pagan rituals of which were repackaged as 'St. John's Eve' with the arrival of Christianity. Some of these pagan traditions are still in practise today, however, most notably the weaving of flower garlands which you will see worn by young maidens during this time. These garlands were then traditionally placed in the river (sometimes with candles) and floated downstream, where young men would attempt to capture them in hopes of capturing the interest of the young woman it belonged to. Each year during Wianki you can participate in a competition for the most beautiful flower garland (14:00 at the Powiśle stage in 2023), weaving one yourself during workshops at different points along the west side of the Planty.
Check out the full Wianki programme here.