
What Does the Photo Do?

Open 10:00-18:00. Tue, Sat, Sun 11:00-19:00, Closed Mon.       ul. Rakowicka 22A
Divided into five sections and showcasing some of the most iconic photographers and photographic techniques of all time, the "What does the photo do?" a wild ride through all aspects of the world captured through the lens. For budding new photographers and those with a passing interest, this is an opportunity to learn all about the various methods that were used to record images on paper before the days of modern photography. From the old-school glass plates to the more recent negatives, you'll get to see how photographers of the past captured their images in all their glory. Further on, you'll get to know some of Poland's most important photographers, including Walery Rzewuski, the creative eye behind the famed "Treasure from Limanowa" photo series, and Klementyna Zubrzycka-Bączkowska, an amateur photographer whose works are still on display around major institutions in Krakow. You'll also get to see the work of contemporary Polish artists, like Robert Kuśmirowski and Anna Orłowska, who have been pushing the boundaries of photography even further.

Of course, that's just the technical and creative side of the medium - this exhibit also offers a fascinating look at the cultural significance of photography. You'll see how photographers have used their art to convey knowledge about the world and to influence public opinion throughout the ages. And to cap it all off, the exhibit concludes with a glimpse into the future of photography, showcasing some of the latest imaging techniques and exploring how artists are responding to the rapidly-changing world around us. With over 1,000 musealia from the collections of the Museum of Photography in Kraków on display, this exhibit is a must-see for anyone with even a passing interest in photography. So don't miss out - come see the "What Does a Photo Do?" exhibition and discover the magic of photography for yourself!



Open 10:00-18:00. Tue, Sat, Sun 11:00-19:00, Closed Mon. May 13 2022 - Dec 31 2030

Price/Additional Info

Tickets 23/15zł.


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