
The Power of Photography

Friday Oct 4 - Sunday Nov 3       Al. Jana Pawła II 232
This annual event at the Nowa Huta Cultural Centre turns all of the various galleries of NCK into one large showcase for photography every autumn. The 2024 edition is curated by Monika Stachnik-Czapla, and will present six exhibitions showing the world filtered through a professional camera lens and the sensitive eye of an artist, each of which is detailed quickly below. Vist the NCK website for more information.


October 4-27, 2024; Biała Galeria CENTRUM
Open 11:00-19:00; tickets 25/20zł
For the seventh time, the best world press photographs will be available at NCK. Devastating conflicts, climate crisis, emigrants and all corners of the world. 61,062 works by 3,851 photographers from 130 countries were submitted to the competition.
Photo (fragment) by Zied Ben Romdhane dla Magnum Photos, Arab Fund for Arts and Culture, AIM LAB.

TADEUSZ ROLKE "In the Lens of Art"

October 4-27, 2024; Foto-Galeria NCK; free admission
One of the most outstanding authors in the history of Polish photography, Rolke took photographs for the weekly magazine "Stolica," the monthly "Polska," the biweekly "Ty i Ja," and for the German magazines "Stern" and "Art."

ZDZISŁAW BEKSIŃSKI "Non-obvious Matters"

October 4 - November 3, 2024; Szara Galeria CENTRUM; free admission
In the work of the young Beksiński - who would go on to be one of Poland's most provocative and fascinating 20th-century painters, photography is the most important. At the exhibition, we will see frames from Sanok, experiments with textures and portraits, collages and more images taken by Beksiński as a youth in the 1950s.


October 4 - November 5, 2024; Czarna Galeria CENTRUM; free admission
"Outside In" is an exploration of one's own self, which according to Jung consists of a conscious personality, an individual shadow and the collective unconscious. The selected images were taken over several years, on four continents: Europe, Asia, South America and Africa.


October 4 - December 3, 2024; Złota Galeria CENTRUM; free admission
Equipped with an analog camera, Moskwa traveled thousands of kilometers. However, he could not name the subject of his photographs, and the decision of when to press the shutter was made intuitively. After a trip to Nepal in 2012, he began to explore the phenomenon of cremation present in both of the largest religions of that region, arrived at the concept of samsara and found the essence of his wanderings.

KRAKOW PHOTO CLUB "75 years of Nowa Huta"

October 4-27, 2024; NCK Stage foyer; free admission
A photographic story about the beginnings of Nowa Huta, with images by Henryk Hermanowicz, Zbigniew Kot, Robert Kosieradzki, Janusz Lisiecki, Henryk Makarewicz, Franciszek Partyka, Wiktor Pental, Władysław Rospondek and Roman Wesołowski.



Oct 4 2024 - Nov 3 2024
Nowa Huta Cultural Centre
Al. Jana Pawła II 232

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