In terms of food, this is traditional Polish cuisine at its best without trying to reinvent classic dishes like the breaded pork cutlet or chicken broth with noodles. You'll also find maczanka po krakowsku, potato pancakes with shredded beef, and even some old-school dishes that have fallen out of favour and off of most Polish menu like flaki (beef tripe soup). A great place to get the gist of Polish cuisine, they also have a separate kids menu and daily lunch specials. If you only came to Poland for the pierogi, the same owners have a place next door that specialises in just that - Manufaktura Pierogów - and their homemade dumplings are also on the menu here. Honestly, this place seems to be testing Kevin Costner's maxim of 'if you build it, they will come.' In addition to local families, it perfectly serves the needs of tourists; now let's see if they start filing in.