
Noriaki: found

Oct 20 - Dec 9 2016    
<p>Noriaki is the nickname of the talented Poznań street artist which brings the magic of art into seemingly everyday scenes. The main character of Noriaki's scenes is a curious figure, a little monster known as a Watcher (aka Mr. Periscope!). A standard watcher is a figure of a small or medium size. Sometime joining him are illustrations of butterflies, birds, or fish. The form is simple and easy to make, as despite the fact that Noriaki's work is loved by many, it is still quite illegal! As one can conclude: it's better to invest in spray paint than in police stubs. You can see an exhibition of the artists works at the hip cafe-bar known as BAL. The exhibition will be accompanied with live music by acclaimed performers like: Maciej Kowalski (vocals), Ignacy Matuszewski (synth), and Astral Balloon (bass guitar).</p>


Oct 20 2016 - Dec 9 2016
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