[closed] Intangible Heritage Interpretation Centre of Krakow

Located at the corner of ul. Szpitalna and ul. Św. Marka, though modest in appearance, this historical building dates back to the 13th century. Originally a part of Holy Ghost Monastery, until the 18th century it served as hospital building. After WWI the building was used by an artists' union and Tadeusz Kantor's famous Cricot theatre group performed here before their success quickly outgrew the space. Hence the theatre connection, which the Kraków Historical Museum (Muzeum Krakowa) has honoured since taking over the building in 1949.
Average visiting time: 1hr.
Open 10:00-17:00. Closed Mon, Tue.
Price/Additional Info
Tickets 14/10zł.Associated Venues
When the Nazis created the Jewish ghetto in Podgórze in 1941,
This 17th century Baroque palace on the market square houses the main branch of the Kraków History Museum, recently renamed the Kraków
Consisting of two separate exhibits, Ulica Pomorska offers the most chilling museum experience in Kraków (which is saying something). Located in the Dom Śląski, or ‘Silesian House,’ this infamous building became the Kraków headquarters of the Gestapo