
Images of the Unseen - Lens on the Migrant Crisis

Friday Jun 30 - Friday Jul 14    
<p>A picture paints a thousand words but without the words themselves, the images are meaningless. In the images of migrant boats, barb-wire fences, tearful children and overcrowded railway stations, violence and human tragedy that have spread in- exorably across our screens, we struggle to make sense of the causes, consequences and individual stories that have brought these people to the gates of Europe.</p> <p><strong>Images of the Unseen: Lens on the Migrant Crisis</strong> brings together snapshots of migrant stories through the photos of <a href=""><strong>Omar Marques</strong></a>, taken in Greece, Austria, Serbia and Hungary in the years 2015-17. These images seek to highlight the absence of the human dimension in the politically charged debate about the ongoing flow of migrants to the European continent.</p> <p><strong>The photo exhibition will kick off with a vernissage on June 30th at 8pm in <a href="">T<strong>ytano</strong></a> (Dolnych Młynów 10, Kraków)</strong>, opened by the Dean of the Faculty of International and Political Studies of the <a href=""><strong>Jagiellonian University</strong></a>, Prof. dr hab. Zdzislaw Mach, who has written extensively about migration and identity.</p> <p>This will be followed by an explanation by the curator <a href=""><strong>Natalia Wiernik</strong></a>, who will say a few words about her vision behind the exhibition.</p> <p><strong>The exhibition will be accompanied by series of events </strong>that will help to understand the migration crisis and stimulate discus- sion about human rights and the role of Europe in the global context.<strong> Events will include movie screenings, workshops and discussions.</strong></p> <p>The project has received the honorary patronage of three rectors – of the Jagiellonian University, the University of Science and Technology (Academia Górniczo-Hutnicza), as well as the Academy of Fine Arts (Akademia Sztuk Pięknych).</p> <p>Honorary Patronage: President of the City of Krakow Jacek Majchrowski<br /> <br /> <strong>Where: </strong><strong><a href="">T<strong>ytano</strong></a><strong>, Dolnych Młynów 10, Kraków </strong></strong>(building vis a vis the entrance from ul.Dolnych Młynów, Ist floor)<br /> <br /> <strong>Full programme:</strong></p> <ul> <li><strong>June 30, 20:00</strong><br /> <strong>VERNISSAGE</strong> of the photo exhibition of “Images of the Unseen”, by photographer Omar Marques</li> <li><strong>​July 3, 18:30</strong><br /> <strong>DISCUSSION:</strong> Hands-On, Hands Off: Front-Line Workers in the Migratory ‘Sphere’ <em>(in Polish) </em></li> <li><strong>July 4, 19:00</strong><br /> <strong>FILM </strong>„The Longest Journey” + PANEL & DISCUSSION Rafał Kostrzyński UNHCR Polska <em>(in Polish)</em></li> <li><strong>July 5, 19:30 </strong><br /> <strong>TOUR</strong> of the exhibition and accompanying discussion with photographer Omar Marques <em>(in English)</em></li> <li><strong>July 6, 18:30</strong><br /> <strong>DISCUSSION:</strong> Bringing down the Wall: Challenges and Opportunities of the Stranger at the Door <em>(in Polish/ English translation possible)</em></li> <li><strong>July 8, 19:30</strong><br /> <strong>FILM SCREENING </strong>“Show all this to the World” director: Andrea Deaglio, 2015, Italy <em>(An initiative of Watch Docs)</em></li> <li><strong>July 14</strong><br /> <strong>12:00</strong> <strong>GUIDED TOUR </strong>of the exhibition with curator Natalia Wiernik (in Polish)<br /> <strong>17:00 GUIDED TOUR </strong>of the exhibition with curator Natalia Wiernik + MEETING WITH PHOTOGRAPHER Omar Marques (in English)<br /> <strong>18:00 AUCTION </strong>of student art from Academia Sztuk Pięknych (ASP) and other artists based in Krakow</li> </ul> ​


Jun 30 2017 - Jul 14 2017
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