

  ul. Św. Tomasza 13 ,   Old Town          (+48) 12 429 66 61     08 May 2024

Lost in the sauce somewhere between cafe and bar, Dym (Smoke) is a long, dark drinking den, the dull design of which is made up for by the character of the clientele: primarily self-proclaimed artists and intellectuals that blow a lot of smoke. How many advances and grants have been squandered here is hard to know, but spend a few nights at Dym and you're guaranteed to become a character in at least two unfinished novels. Yes, we were all so full of promise back then; back before all our ambition and drive went into drink, our bank accounts zeroed and we ended up scribbling for this rag... Ah, glory days.

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Dogs Allowed


Open 11:00 - 12:00. Fri, Sat 11:00 - 03:00.


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