If you fancy a free fall (and subsequent recoil) while you're in town, why not tie your feet together to an elastic rope and dive off a crane next to a busy street? That's precisely what takes place just east of the Old Town at Kraków's Grzegórzecki sports fields - the highest place in PL for bungee jumping, from a crane 90m above the ground. The surroundings may not be the world's most scenic, but if you've ever thought of doing this before, consider that bungee jumping in Berlin costs about 100 Euro, in London about 80 GBP. Here a single jump is only 130zł, plus 30zł for photos (you need those); or 45zł for photos and a GoPro video (why not?). You don't need an appointment, just show up (sober) during opening hours in decent weather (cancellations due to wind or weather are announced on FB) and prepare for the biggest adrenaline rush of your life. To get there take trams 1, 10, 14, 52, 62 or 72, and get off at 'Fabryczna.'
Note that this is a seasonal attraction offered from May until end of November only.