
Bohdan Smoleń Monument

This monument to Polish comedian, actor and singer Bohdan Smoleń (1947-2016) was erected in 2024, on the initiative of the Kraków Agricultural University and the surviving members of the 'Pod Buda' cabaret, which Smoleń founded in the basement of the university's student dormitory here. The monument, designed by Karol Badyna from Kraków's Academy of Fine Arts, shows an older Smoleń peering around the corner of the very building in which he lived as a student of the Agricultural University in the late '60s and early '70s. The unique monument also includes a bench, under which a cat is curled up napping.
Help this old man find his cat.

After his student days, Smoleń achieved national renown as a member of Kabaret TEY - one of Poland's most popular comedy acts during the late '70s and '80s, known for their improvisational style and satirising of Poland's political system and communist realities. He was a familiar face on television, recorded dozens of albums of humorous songs and comedic material, and was awarded the silver medal 'Zasłużony Kulturze - Gloria Artis' for his contributions to Polish culture in 2009. He passed away at age 69 in 2016.



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