
Błonia Bistro

  Al. 3 Maja 55      (+48) 12 448 39 10     more than a year ago
Located at the west end of Błonia Meadow in a brand new, oddly narrow brick building, this casual bistro offers affordable family dining in a modern interior of soft, warm lighting with an open kitchen and large pizza oven, plus a glorious outdoor patio. The menu is a long but appealing list covering all aspects of the contemporary European diet - which is to say pizza, pasta, burgers, salads and more - but there are some true standouts like the 'Kacza Buła' (a steamed bun with pulled duck meat, delicious seasonings and toppings), as well as plenty of vegan and gluten-free options. In the summer they organise picnics in the front lawn, and soon the second half of the building - a more premium version of the first - will open. To get there take the tram to 'Cichy Kącik.'


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Open 12:00-22:00.

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€ € € € €


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