
Bagatela Theatre

  ul. Karmelicka 6 ,   Old Town          (+48) 12 424 52 00     more than a year ago

This popular theatre at the major intersection of ul. Karmelicka and ul. Krupniczej has a history dating back over 100 years. Founded in 1908, the original building - designed by Janusz Zarzecki with an interior by Henry Uziembło - was something to behold; unfortunately the interiors were devastated by fire in 1928, after which it was converted to a cinema, and finally remodelled entirely to its present form during the PRL era. Roman Polański made his debut here in 1951. Today the theatre mostly performs comedies and musicals, and performances in English, or with English subs, are rare. The theatre also has a second stage at ul. Sarego 7.


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Box office open 09:00 - 19:15, Mon 10:00 - 19:15, Sun 2 hours before the performance.

Price/Additional Info

Tickets 25-70zł.


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