For a full guide to what’s on in Joburg, check out our online events calendar and subscribe to our weekly newsletter published every Thursday morning.
From left to right: Substrata II, Bevan de Wet, etching; AUNTY`S FAVOURITE, 2023, Githan Coopoo, Clay and acrylic; The Commonwealth, 2022, Dumisani Jere, Mixed media on canvas.
First Thursdays at Keyes Art Mile
Thu, Feb 2 from 16:00 – Join Keyes Art Mile for an abundance of art and good vibes at their monthly First Thursdays. We're particularly excited for the two openings at Everard Read: Githan Coopoo's Desi Casual Glamour and Ferdi Dick's Lion's Breath. Read the full programme here.Exhibition openings
Sat, Feb 4 from 11:00 – Bevan de Wet takes over Gallery 2 for his latest foray Lost Horizon. Head to the exhibition opening for an address by Stephen Hobbs, who is always worth listening to.Sat, Feb 4 11:00–14:00 – Kalashnikovv Gallery bring artist Johan Thom to the gallery for Things appear and disappear, an exhibition which has him exploring loss, grief and the South African context.
A new fair
Sun, Feb 5 from 9:00 – Victoria Yards' First Sundays return with an exciting new Open Air Art Fair focusing on sculpture. Browse the works, goods and food while strolling through Victoria Yards' green spaces.Last chance to see
Until Thu, Feb 9 – Don't miss Lizamore and Associates' group exhibition A Cacophany! Not another group show.
