How To Disappear
Saturday Mar 14 - Saturday Apr 11
163 Jan Smuts Ave, Parkwood
In a variety of media including photography, film and a mix of analogue and digital imaging technologies, the exhibition reflects on how various surveillance methods see people as visible and visualised subjects. At the same time the exhibition also strives to reclaim a sense of autonomy, by revealing how these technologies might be turned towards forms of resistance and cheating the system.
Featured artists include Polish artist and designer Ewa Nowak presenting her series Incognito (2018), London based Adam Broomberg and Oliver Chanarin, whose series of portraits Spirit is a Bone (2013) is on display and the late David Goldblatt's photographic series While in Traffic, Johannesburg (1967) as well as American artist and filmmaker Ja’Tovia Gary's 2015 film An Ecstatic Experience which explores the legacy of black resistance.