
Beth Diane Armstrong - In Perpetuum

Aug 4 - Sep 20 2017       Cnr Simmonds and Frederick Sts, City Centre
Standard Bank Young Artist of the year 2017 Beth Diane Armstrong presents <em>In Perpetuum</em>, a sculptural exhibition exploring the contrasts between density and looseness. Meaning <em>In Permanence</em> in Latin, the exhibition is the result of Armstrong's ambition to capture fleeting, abstract experiences in large-scale sculptures made from unyielding materials like steel.<br /> <br /> Negotiating the way in which bodies experience space, Armstrong's work grapples with the viewer's simultaneous desires to be overwhelmed by a sculpture and to also be challenged by the coded messages that it presents. Recurring motifs of trees and roots stand as a metaphor for adaptation and rootedness and by using a combination of brash steel and delicate wire, Armstrong further underlines the contrasting notions of stability and chaos.



Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 08:00 – 16:30, Sat 09:00 – 13:00, Closed Sun. Aug 4 2017 - Sep 20 2017
Standard Bank Gallery
Cnr Simmonds and Frederick Sts, City Centre

Price/Additional Info

Entrance is free

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