
Ayanda Mabulu | Vusi Beauchamp - Freedom of _ _ eech

Oct 12 - Nov 12 2017       72 6th St, Parkhurst
Kalashnikovv gallery presents a joint exhibition by two of South Africa’s most provocative political artists; Ayanda Mabulu and Vusi Beauchamp. Both artists tackle serious themes in their work such as government corruption, censorship and political violence, but in differing styles. Mabulu’s controversial and very graphic works are often hyper-masculine and combative while Beauchamp uses satire and humour to critique South Africa’s socio-political landscape. This exhibition brings the two artists’s works together to create subtle comparisons and allow the viewer to see important contemporary narratives from different viewpoints.

The exhibition takes its title Freedom of ­_ _eech from the pair's personal experiences of censorship and their desire to use art as a platform to express their constitutional right to freedom of speech. Both Mabulu and Beauchamp have suffered harassment and death threats due to the ideas portrayed in their artworks.

As a conscious reference to the exhibition's subject of censorship, some of the most graphic elements of Mabulu's paintings (including a particularly notorious recent work featuring President Zuma and Nelson Mandela) have been covered up. This isn't to say that they aren't still incredibly provocative however. They are. In this exhibition both Mabulu and Beauchamp remain as radical and anti-establishment as ever, if not even more so.

As Beauchamp told The Sunday Times ahead of this exhibition; "We need conversations to break through the smoke and mirrors that allow people to be comfortable. We're bringing that conversation to the canvas."

Opening event Thu Oct 12 at 18:30.



Oct 12 2017 - Nov 12 2017
Kalashnikovv Gallery
72 6th St, Parkhurst

Price/Additional Info

Entrance is free

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