

  ul. Freta 14      (+48) 22 636 06 84     11 Dec 2024
It's sometimes hard to find that perfect gift from Poland to take back home with you. We understand the problem, and it may be the case you get home, only to regret not having bought that sweet little tea cup you had your eye on.

Now this is why we whole heartedly recommend E-Manufaktura, which is not only a shop in Warsaw, but also an online shop for you to look through an extensive catalogue in the comfort of your home. From egg cups, plates, bowls, and all other kitchenware you can think of, you'll find it here! The famous hand-painted ceramics, Bolesławiec, make up the core of what's on offer. It doesn't get more Polish than this. A must-use service.


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Ratusz Arsenał




Open 10:00-18:00.


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