Young people seem to have their finger on the pulse of all things (or so we’re told), so it is no great surprise to find out that the large student population of Cluj has led to an increase in vegetarian food around town. There has never been more options for a herbivore in the city, and there are a number of vegan-friendly options to boot.
These are our top picks for vegan & vegetarian food in Cluj Napoca.
Doo It
We’re pretty sure this has nothing to do with the Miley Cyrus song, and we’re sticking with that. Doo It is a small vegetarian and vegan bistro just outside the old part of the city, a charming little joint that does a fine line in burgers, proving that you don’t need meat to create a seriously succulent burger. There are also plenty of sandwiches and salads on the menu.
The clue is in the first syllable of the name. Rawana is the premier raw food destination in Cluj-Napoca, a menu free of cooking that specialises in vegan cuisine and all things health-conscious. The place also happens to be free of pretension, which gets the IYP seal of approval. Rawana was the first of its kind in Cluj, but we’re pretty sure it won’t be the only raw food joint in town for much longer. They also deliver!
Suflet in Bucate
Nutrition, nutrition, nutrition, that is the name of the game. If you’re unsure about moving to a vegetarian diet because of the perceived lack of fun, then get yourself to Suflet in Bucate and have your preconceptions smashed. The menu changes from week to week but is delightfully consistent, a consistency matched only by the health levels.