The twin Titan and Alexandru Ioan Cuza parks, in the unsexy yet perfectly safe neighbourhood of Titan-Balta Alba, have been given much love of late and are showing the benefit of millions of euros of investment. Whole terraces have been landscaped, lawns laid, playgrounds built and sports pitches placed at every turn. Look out too for the replica Maramures wooden church on the southern side of the park, on Str. Liviu Rebreanu. It was built in 1996 and has become one of the most popular churches in the city: on major religious holidays it is difficult to get close to the place. A heavy presence of security guards throughout the park (day and night) makes everyone feel safe and ensure that nothing is spoilt. Indeed, if you were on holiday elsewhere you’d say to yourself 'we will never have this kind of park in Bucharest.' Well, we have. There are plenty of kiosks serving refreshments, as well as ice cream stands. On summer weekend evenings there is usually something going at the main bandstand: either a band or children's entertainers.
Titan/Nicolae Grigorescu
Roger Naylor
borehamwood, england this is just a short message to reiterate what Komkris said about Titan Park.
I have a friend in Bucharest and I visit usually twice a year, and she lives a 10 min walk from the park, I love this park, we walk there every day it is so peaceful and has everything you would what, even a swan on the lake which you can ride on, and I always look forward to my trips to Bucharest.
Mr. Komkris Satis
I'm a tourist from Thailand and had chances to visit Bucharest twice in 2008 and 2009. The place where I stayed was only five minutes walk from Titan Park.When I found out this column where anyone can write the comment I'm not at all hesitate to write mine.Titan Park is absolutely one of my favorite place in Bucharest. I spent everyday while I spent 3 months in Bucharest leisure and pleasure at Titan. The peaceful atmosphere and beautiful surroundings made me wish to returnback every day. Just sit and relax , watching children playing, dogs cheerfully walked or ran alongside their owners. Beautiful trees and flowersand most of all, warm and friendly easyliving Romanian people. I found myself enjoyed and relax everytime I visitted Titan Park. As a matter of fact,not only Titan Park but also another parks in Bucharest such as Tineretului, Carol or HerestrauPark is so heavenly and peacefully amazing. I feltvery happy and peacefully everytime I visitted these parks and wish that I'll ever have a chance to visit this beloving country of mine again.
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Roger Naylor
borehamwood, england
this is just a short message to reiterate what Komkris said about Titan Park. I have a friend in Bucharest and I visit usually twice a year, and she lives a 10 min walk from the park, I love this park, we walk there every day it is so peaceful and has everything you would what, even a swan on the lake which you can ride on, and I always look forward to my trips to Bucharest.
Mr. Komkris Satis
I'm a tourist from Thailand and had chances to visit Bucharest twice in 2008 and 2009. The place where I stayed was only five minutes walk from Titan Park.When I found out this column where anyone can write the comment I'm not at all hesitate to write mine.Titan Park is absolutely one of my favorite place in Bucharest. I spent everyday while I spent 3 months in Bucharest leisure and pleasure at Titan. The peaceful atmosphere and beautiful surroundings made me wish to returnback every day. Just sit and relax , watching children playing, dogs cheerfully walked or ran alongside their owners. Beautiful trees and flowersand most of all, warm and friendly easyliving Romanian people. I found myself enjoyed and relax everytime I visitted Titan Park. As a matter of fact,not only Titan Park but also another parks in Bucharest such as Tineretului, Carol or HerestrauPark is so heavenly and peacefully amazing. I feltvery happy and peacefully everytime I visitted these parks and wish that I'll ever have a chance to visit this beloving country of mine again.