
Bled Cream Cake

25 Jul 2024
Bled Cream Cake, known locally as "Blejska kremna rezina" or "kremšnita," is a famed dessert originating from, of course, the dear, sweet town of Bled. This iconic cake was first created in 1953 by Ištvan Kovačević, the former manager of the Park Hotel patisserie in Bled. Over the decades, it has become a symbol of Bled's culinary heritage and is celebrated for its unique taste and delightful texture. It is estimated that since the cake's creation over 70 years ago, a whopping 15 million slices have been sold. So what is it that makes this cake so popular?

Well, the recipe is simple yet exquisite, consisting of a crispy puff pastry base, a generous layer of vanilla custard, a layer of whipped cream, and another layer of puff pastry dusted with powdered sugar. The key to its perfection lies in the balance and quality of these ingredients, particularly the custard, which must be rich and velvety. An authentic slice must be 7 x 7 x 7 cm and consist of ⅔ vanilla cream and ⅓ regular cream. It may be a little heavy on calories, but we’re told you can offset those by running once around the lake.

This delightful slice is a must-try for visitors to Bled - let us know if you run a lap of the lake!


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