These aren’t one-trick-pony museums either, far from it. Berlin’s conveyer belt of culture covers everything from the past to the future, in the most literal of ways. Looking to get to know more about this city’s storied history? The Deutsches Historisches Museum awaits. Concerned more with the future? The Futurium seems like a pretty solid place to start. Not interested in drama and just want to look at some seriously good art? The Gropius Bau has you covered.

Trust us, this isn’t even the tip of the tip of the iceberg. The big block of ice that vanquished the unsinkable Titanic is nothing compared to the juggernaut of museums and galleries in Berlin, although we’ll admit that this introduction is getting a little bit dramatic at this point. Still, check out this collection of the best museums and galleries in Berlin and settle in for all the culture you can handle. If you don’t come out feeling inspired, you might want to check your pulse.
We know that something for everyone cliche is played out, but never has it fit so snugly as when declared about Berlin’s museums. Culture vultures, get ready to feast!