The park in Bílá Lhota was laid out around 1700 during renovation of the local manor house. The original arrangement and selection of tree species have never been identified. It can be assumed, however, that only domestic tree species (oak, beech, linden, spruce) were planted here. Some of those original trees still grow in the park.
In 1926 Guido Riedl, already a well-known dendrologist, came to Bílá Lhota and began to transform the park according to his own ideas. He turned the area of less than three hectares into an aesthetically very impressive park with almost 500 species and forms of ornamental woods. Up to this day 240 of Quido Riedl's specimens have survived. Nearly 300 other plants have been planted since 1966 when the park passed under the administration of the Regional Museum in Olomouc.