
Stayokay Amsterdam Vondelpark

  Zandpad 5 ,   West          (+31) 205 89 89 96     more than a year ago
Wouldn’t it be great if you were allowed to stay at a cool hostel in the middle of Manhattan’s Central Park? Well, you can’t do that, but Amsterdam does have something pretty close. This chain of clean, modern hostels also has an outlet in the Vondelpark, which is basically the local equivalent of New York’s famous green space. Stay in a variety of different dorms from 2-, 4- and 6-bedders to large dorms that include metal bunk beds, a sink and in-room showers and toilets, not to mention the standard orange and grey company colour scheme. A computer lounge for surfing the net is also available as well as a lively bar, but who needs a drink on the premises when the pubs and clubs of Leidseplein are only a short walk away?


Credit Cards
Facilities for disabled
Outside seating
Guarded parking
Conference facilities

Price/Additional Info

536 beds (beds in 10-bed dorms from €16, beds in six-bed dorms from €19, beds in four-bed dorms from €21, doubles from €53, quads from €82).


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